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25668746 | Intercellular propagation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation revealed by in vivo imaging of mouse skin. | Elife, 2014; | Hiratsuka T, Fujita Y, ..., Kamioka Y, Matsuda M | 0 | 2015/02/17 |
24842369 | In vivo imaging reveals PKA regulation of ERK activity during neutrophil recruitment to inflamed intestines. | J Exp Med, 2014 May 19; [Epub ahead of print] | Mizuno R, Kamioka Y, ..., Kiyokawa E, Matsuda M | 2 | 2014/06/16 |
23524392 | A bright monomeric green fluorescent protein derived from Branchiostoma lanceolatum. | Nat Methods, 2013 May;10(5);407-9, | Shaner NC, Lambert GG, ..., Davidson MW, Wang J | 0 | 2014/04/11 |
24156074 | Label-free multi-photon imaging using a compact femtosecond fiber laser mode-locked by carbon nanotube saturable absorber. | Biomed Opt Express, 2013;4(10);2187-95, | Kieu K, Mehravar S, ..., Norwood RA, Peyghambarian N | 0 | 2014/03/25 |
24392137 | Label-free imaging of lipid depositions in C. elegans using third-harmonic generation microscopy. | PLoS One, 2014;9(1);e84431, | Tserevelakis GJ, Megalou EV, ..., Fotakis C, Tavernarakis N | 0 | 2014/03/25 |
24315106 | Using optogenetics to interrogate the dynamic control of signal transmission by the Ras/Erk module. | Cell, 2013 Dec 5;155(6);1422-34, | | 1 | 2014/03/07 |
24288335 | Long-distance integration of nuclear ERK signaling triggered by activation of a few dendritic spines. | Science, 2013 Nov 29;342(6162);1107-11, | Zhai S, Ark ED, Parra-Bueno P, Yasuda R | 0 | 2014/02/25 |
24482116 | ESCRT Machinery Is Required for Plasma Membrane Repair. | Science, 2014 Jan 30; [Epub ahead of print] | Jimenez AJ, Maiuri P, ..., Piel M, Perez F | 2 | 2014/02/19 |
23995068 | ReaChR: a red-shifted variant of channelrhodopsin enables deep transcranial optogenetic excitation. | Nat Neurosci, 2013 Oct;16(10);1499-508, | Lin JY, Knutsen PM, ..., Kleinfeld D, Tsien RY | 0 | 2014/02/10 |
23524393 | Whole-brain functional imaging at cellular resolution using light-sheet microscopy. | Nat Methods, 2013 May;10(5);413-20, | Ahrens MB, Orger MB, ..., Li JM, Keller PJ | 0 | 2014/02/03 |
24270515 | Perivascular macrophages mediate neutrophil recruitment during bacterial skin infection. | Nat Immunol, 2014 Jan;15(1);45-53, | Abtin A, Jain R, ..., Firth N, Weninger W | 2 | 2014/01/30 |
23842490 | Generation of inner ear sensory epithelia from pluripotent stem cells in 3D culture. | Nature, 2013 Aug 8;500(7461);217-21, | Koehler KR, Mikosz AM, ..., Patel D, Hashino E | 2 | 2014/01/18 |
24212374 | Development of a FRET biosensor with high specificity for Akt. | Cell Struct Funct, 2013 Nov 9; [Epub ahead of print] | Miura H, Matsuda M, Aoki K | 3 | 2014/01/09 |
23217717 | Noninvasive imaging beyond the diffraction limit of 3D dynamics in thickly fluorescent specimens. | Cell, 2012 Dec 7;151(6);1370-85, | | 2 | 2013/12/19 |
23751497 | The netrin receptor DCC focuses invadopodia-driven basement membrane transmigration in vivo. | J Cell Biol, 2013 Jun 10;201(6);903-13, | Hagedorn EJ, Ziel JW, ..., Johnson SA, Sherwood DR | 3 | 2013/12/03 |
24040101 | Antigen-specific suppression and immunological synapse formation by regulatory T cells require the mst1 kinase. | PLoS One, 2013;8(9);e73874, | Tomiyama T, Ueda Y, ..., Okazaki K, Kinashi T | 3 | 2013/11/18 |
24206842 | Tks5 and SHIP2 Regulate Invadopodium Maturation, but Not Initiation, in Breast Carcinoma Cells. | Curr Biol, 2013 Nov 4;23(21);2079-2089, | | 0 | 2013/11/13 |
24140422 | Stochastic ERK Activation Induced by Noise and Cell-to-Cell Propagation Regulates Cell Density-Dependent Proliferation. | Mol Cell, 2013 Oct 16; [Epub ahead of print] | | 5 | 2013/11/08 |
24097271 | Instant super-resolution imaging in live cells and embryos via analog image processing. | Nat Methods, 2013 Nov;10(11);1122-6, | York AG, Chandris P, ..., Chitnis A, Shroff H | 0 | 2013/11/08 |
23877069 | Optical control of mammalian endogenous transcription and epigenetic states. | Nature, 2013 Aug 22;500(7463);472-6, | Konermann S, Brigham MD, ..., Church GM, Zhang F | 2 | 2013/11/02 |
21258368 | Oct4 kinetics predict cell lineage patterning in the early mammalian embryo. | Nat Cell Biol, 2011 Feb;13(2);117-23, | Plachta N, Bollenbach T, ..., Fraser SE, Pantazis P | 1 | 2013/10/18 |
24096363 | Live visualization of chromatin dynamics with fluorescent TALEs. | Nat Struct Mol Biol, 2013 Oct 6; [Epub ahead of print] | Miyanari Y, Ziegler-Birling C, Torres-Padilla ME | 6 | 2013/10/09 |
24074866 | The cell-cycle state of stem cells determines cell fate propensity. | Cell, 2013 Sep 26;155(1);135-47, | | 3 | 2013/10/08 |
23685843 | Real-time in vivo analysis of T cell activation in the central nervous system using a genetically encoded calcium indicator. | Nat Med, 2013 Jun;19(6);778-83, | Mues M, Bartholomaus I, ..., Kawakami N, Krishnamoorthy G | 2 | 2013/10/08 |
23884240 | High-speed panoramic light-sheet microscopy reveals global endodermal cell dynamics. | Nat Commun, 2013;2207, | Schmid B, Shah G, ..., Aanstad P, Huisken J | 2 | 2013/10/02 |
23953120 | A nanobody-based system using fluorescent proteins as scaffolds for cell-specific gene manipulation. | Cell, 2013 Aug 15;154(4);928-39, | | 0 | 2013/09/24 |
24013820 | Brain-wide 3D imaging of neuronal activity in Caenorhabditis elegans with sculpted light. | Nat Methods, 2013 Sep 8; [Epub ahead of print] | Schrodel T, Prevedel R, ..., Zimmer M, Vaziri A | 0 | 2013/09/18 |
23868258 | Ultrasensitive fluorescent proteins for imaging neuronal activity. | Nature, 2013 Jul 18;499(7458);295-300, | Chen TW, Wardill TJ, ..., Svoboda K, Kim DS | 0 | 2013/09/10 |
23891149 | A Near-Infrared BiFC Reporter for In?Vivo Imaging of Protein-Protein Interactions. | Chem Biol, 2013 Aug 22;20(8);1078-86, | | 0 | 2013/09/02 |
23770755 | Near-infrared fluorescent proteins for multicolor in vivo imaging. | Nat Methods, 2013 Jun 16; [Epub ahead of print] | Shcherbakova DM, Verkhusha VV | 0 | 2013/07/22 |
23708969 | Neutrophil swarms require LTB4 and integrins at sites of cell death in vivo. | Nature, 2013 May 26; [Epub ahead of print] | Lammermann T, Afonso PV, ..., Parent CA, Germain RN | 0 | 2013/06/08 |
23160236 | Multifunctional in vivo vascular imaging using near-infrared II fluorescence. | Nat Med, 2012 Dec;18(12);1841-6, | Hong G, Lee JC, ..., Cooke JP, Dai H | 0 | 2013/06/04 |
23344448 | A near-infrared fluorophore for live-cell super-resolution microscopy of cellular proteins. | Nat Chem, 2013 Feb;5(2);132-9, | Lukinavi�ius G, Umezawa K, ..., Manley S, Johnsson K | 0 | 2013/05/14 |
23511416 | Enzyme-free translation of DNA into sequence-defined synthetic polymers structurally unrelated to nucleic acids. | Nat Chem, 2013 Apr;5(4);282-92, | Niu J, Hili R, Liu DR | 0 | 2013/04/20 |
23563268 | Visualization of an endogenous retinoic acid gradient across embryonic development. | Nature, 2013 Apr 7; [Epub ahead of print] | Shimozono S, Iimura T, ..., Higashijima SI, Miyawaki A | 3 | 2013/04/17 |
23455425 | Autophagosomes form at ER-mitochondria contact sites. | Nature, 2013 Mar 21;495(7441);389-93, | Hamasaki M, Furuta N, ..., Amano A, Yoshimori T | 0 | 2013/04/11 |
23401517 | Improving spinning disk confocal microscopy by preventing pinhole cross-talk for intravital imaging. | Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2013 Feb 26;110(9);3399-404, | Shimozawa T, Yamagata K, ..., Fujita K, Mimori-Kiyosue Y | 0 | 2013/03/30 |
23217741 | Golgi outposts shape dendrite morphology by functioning as sites of acentrosomal microtubule nucleation in neurons. | Neuron, 2012 Dec 6;76(5);921-30, | | 0 | 2013/03/29 |
23349314 | Molecular photoacoustic imaging of follicular thyroid carcinoma. | Clin Cancer Res, 2013 Mar 15;19(6);1494-502, | Levi J, Kothapalli SR, ..., Starcevic D, Gambhir SS | 0 | 2013/03/19 |
23239625 | Actin, spectrin, and associated proteins form a periodic cytoskeletal structure in axons. | Science, 2013 Jan 25;339(6118);452-6, | Xu K, Zhong G, Zhuang X | 0 | 2013/03/18 |
23157219 | Reversible off-on fluorescence probe for hypoxia and imaging of hypoxia-normoxia cycles in live cells. | J Am Chem Soc, 2012 Dec 5;134(48);19588-91, | Takahashi S, Piao W, ..., Nagano T, Hanaoka K | 0 | 2013/02/25 |
23329049 | Interstitial dendritic cell guidance by haptotactic chemokine gradients. | Science, 2013 Jan 18;339(6117);328-32, | Weber M, Hauschild R, ..., Bollenbach T, Sixt M | 0 | 2013/02/12 |
23213253 | Topological specificity and hierarchical network of the circadian calcium rhythm in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. | Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2012 Dec 26;109(52);21498-503, | Enoki R, Kuroda S, ..., Honma S, Honma K | 0 | 2013/02/12 |
23352234 | Peripheral Prepositioning and Local CXCL9 Chemokine-Mediated Guidance Orchestrate Rapid Memory CD8(+) T Cell Responses in the Lymph Node. | Immunity, 2013 Jan 24; [Epub ahead of print] | | 0 | 2013/02/08 |
23074267 | The temporal pattern of stimulation determines the extent and duration of MAPK activation in a Caenorhabditis elegans sensory neuron. | Sci Signal, 2012 Oct 16;5(246);ra76, | Tomida T, Oda S, ..., Iino Y, Saito H | 0 | 2013/01/25 |
23217710 | TMHS Is an Integral Component of the Mechanotransduction Machinery of Cochlear Hair Cells. | Cell, 2012 Dec 7;151(6);1283-95, | | 0 | 2013/01/22 |
22968700 | Real-time in vivo imaging of the beating mouse heart at microscopic resolution. | Nat Commun, 2012;1054, | Lee S, Vinegoni C, ..., Nahrendorf M, Weissleder R | 1 | 2013/01/16 |
23103964 | Fluorescent and photo-oxidizing TimeSTAMP tags track protein fates in light and electron microscopy. | Nat Neurosci, 2012 Nov;15(12);1742-51, | Butko MT, Yang J, ..., Tsien RY, Lin MZ | 0 | 2013/01/15 |
23219535 | Frequency-Modulated Pulses of ERK Activity Transmit Quantitative Proliferation Signals. | Mol Cell, 2012 Dec 5; [Epub ahead of print] | | 2 | 2012/12/20 |
23202272 | Conformational states of the kinase Lck regulate clustering in early T cell signaling. | Nat Immunol, 2012 Dec 2; [Epub ahead of print] | Rossy J, Owen DM, ..., Yang Z, Gaus K | 2 | 2012/12/18 |
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