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22343342 | Rapid optical control of nociception with an ion-channel photoswitch. | Nat Methods, 2012 Apr;9(4);396-402, | Mourot A, Fehrentz T, ..., Trauner D, Kramer RH | 2 | 2012/12/12 |
23139335 | Optical control of protein activity by fluorescent protein domains. | Science, 2012 Nov 9;338(6108);810-4, | Zhou XX, Chung HK, Lam AJ, Lin MZ | 5 | 2012/12/03 |
20159168 | Expanding two-photon intravital microscopy to the infrared by means of optical parametric oscillator. | Biophys J, 2010 Feb 17;98(4);715-23, | Herz J, Siffrin V, ..., Zipp F, Niesner RA | 1 | 2012/12/01 |
21271704 | Light-activated kinases enable temporal dissection of signaling networks in living cells. | J Am Chem Soc, 2011 Feb 23;133(7);2124-7, | Gautier A, Deiters A, Chin JW | 0 | 2012/11/14 |
22053163 | IMAGING: Focusing light in scattering media. | Nat Photonics, 2011 Mar;5(3);135-136, | Konecky SD, Tromberg BJ | 2 | 2012/11/08 |
22683126 | Dynamic in situ cytometry uncovers T cell receptor signaling during immunological synapses and kinapses in vivo. | Immunity, 2012 Aug 24;37(2);351-63, | Moreau HD, Lemaitre F, ..., Lennon-Dumenil AM, Bousso P | 1 | 2012/11/08 |
21074050 | Germinal center dynamics revealed by multiphoton microscopy with a photoactivatable fluorescent reporter. | Cell, 2010 Nov 12;143(4);592-605, | Victora GD, Schwickert TA, ..., Dustin ML, Nussenzweig MC | 0 | 2012/10/15 |
22772730 | Multicolor two-photon tissue imaging by wavelength mixing. | Nat Methods, 2012;9(8);815-8, | Mahou P, Zimmerley M, ..., Debarre D, Beaurepaire E | 1 | 2012/10/15 |
23027971 | Misconduct accounts for the majority of retracted scientific publications. | Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2012 Oct 1; [Epub ahead of print] | Fang FC, Steen RG, Casadevall A | 0 | 2012/10/09 |
22961245 | Improving FRET dynamic range with bright green and red fluorescent proteins. | Nat Methods, 2012 Sep 9; [Epub ahead of print] | Lam AJ, St-Pierre F, ..., Tsien RY, Lin MZ | 9 | 2012/09/18 |
22619280 | Noise-free visualization of microscopic calcium signaling by pixel-wise fitting. | Circ Res, 2012 Jun 22;111(1);17-27, | Tian Q, Kaestner L, Lipp P | 2 | 2012/09/14 |
22863004 | The first five seconds in the life of a clathrin-coated pit. | Cell, 2012 Aug 3;150(3);495-507, | Cocucci E, Aguet F, Boulant S, Kirchhausen T | 1 | 2012/08/30 |
22872089 | Multilayer mounting enables long-term imaging of zebrafish development in a light sheet microscope. | Development, 2012 Sep;139(17);3242-7, | Kaufmann A, Mickoleit M, Weber M, Huisken J | 8 | 2012/08/24 |
22403384 | Fluorescence imaging of cellular metabolites with RNA. | Science, 2012 Mar 9;335(6073);1194, | Paige JS, Nguyen-Duc T, Song W, Jaffrey SR | 1 | 2012/08/24 |
22634730 | pHTomato, a red, genetically encoded indicator that enables multiplex interrogation of synaptic activity. | Nat Neurosci, 2012;15(7);1047-53, | Li Y, Tsien RW | 3 | 2012/08/23 |
22763440 | Biophysical mechanism of T-cell receptor triggering in a reconstituted system. | Nature, 2012 Jul 5;487(7405);64-9, | James JR, Vale RD | 1 | 2012/08/17 |
22854777 | Defining the mode of tumour growth by clonal analysis. | Nature, 2012 Aug 1; [Epub ahead of print] | Driessens G, Beck B, ..., Simons BD, Blanpain C | 1 | 2012/08/10 |
22241909 | Proof-of-concept study of monitoring cancer drug therapy with cerenkov luminescence imaging. | J Nucl Med, 2012 Feb;53(2);312-7, | Xu Y, Chang E, ..., Gambhir SS, Cheng Z | 1 | 2012/08/09 |
21324933 | Quantification of factors influencing fluorescent protein expression using RMCE to generate an allelic series in the ROSA26 locus in mice. | Dis Model Mech, 2011 Jul;4(4);537-47, | Chen SX, Osipovich AB, ..., Piston DW, Magnuson MA | 6 | 2012/07/14 |
22734946 | Organelle-Specific Detection of Phosphatase Activities with Two-Photon Fluorogenic Probes in Cells and Tissues. | J Am Chem Soc, 2012 Jun 26; [Epub ahead of print] | Li L, Ge J, ..., Xu QH, Yao SQ | 2 | 2012/07/12 |
22723688 | Medial Prefrontal Cortex Neuronal Activation and Synaptic Alterations after Stress-Induced Reinstatement of Palatable Food Seeking: A Study Using c-fos-GFP Transgenic Female Rats. | J Neurosci, 2012 Jun 20;32(25);8480-90, | Cifani C, Koya E, ..., Shaham Y, Hope BT | 0 | 2012/07/09 |
22422267 | Goblet cells deliver luminal antigen to CD103+ dendritic cells in the small intestine. | Nature, 2012 Mar 15;483(7389);345-9, | McDole JR, Wheeler LW, ..., Newberry RD, Miller MJ | 3 | 2012/07/07 |
22327568 | Body-barrier surveillance by epidermal γδ TCRs. | Nat Immunol, 2012 Mar;13(3);272-82, | Chodaczek G, Papanna V, Zal MA, Zal T | 2 | 2012/07/07 |
22622571 | Brain-wide neuronal dynamics during motor adaptation in zebrafish. | Nature, 2012 May 24;485(7399);471-7, | Ahrens MB, Li JM, ..., Engert F, Portugues R | 1 | 2012/06/19 |
22426226 | Intracellular temperature mapping with a fluorescent polymeric thermometer and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. | Nat Commun, 2012;705, | Okabe K, Inada N, ..., Funatsu T, Uchiyama S | 5 | 2012/06/13 |
22246323 | Multi-isotope imaging mass spectrometry reveals slow protein turnover in hair-cell stereocilia. | Nature, 2012 Jan 26;481(7382);520-4, | Zhang DS, Piazza V, ..., Corey DP, Lechene CP | 0 | 2012/06/06 |
22641383 | Programmed cell death 1 forms negative costimulatory microclusters that directly inhibit T cell receptor signaling by recruiting phosphatase SHP2. | J Exp Med, 2012 May 28; [Epub ahead of print] | Yokosuka T, Takamatsu M, ..., Azuma M, Saito T | 2 | 2012/06/05 |
21854984 | Cytoskeletal control of CD36 diffusion promotes its receptor and signaling function. | Cell, 2011 Aug 19;146(4);593-606, | Jaqaman K, Kuwata H, ..., Danuser G, Grinstein S | 0 | 2012/05/28 |
22547408 | Nonpolarized signaling reveals two distinct modes of 3D cell migration. | J Cell Biol, 2012 Apr 30;197(3);439-55, | Petrie RJ, Gavara N, Chadwick RS, Yamada KM | 0 | 2012/05/26 |
22543348 | A simple, versatile method for GFP-based super-resolution microscopy via nanobodies. | Nat Methods, 2012 Apr 29; [Epub ahead of print] | Ries J, Kaplan C, ..., Eghlidi H, Ewers H | 1 | 2012/05/14 |
20187057 | Photocontrol of protein activity in cultured cells and zebrafish with one- and two-photon illumination. | Chembiochem, 2010 Mar 22;11(5);653-63, | Sinha DK, Neveu P, ..., Vriz S, Jullien L | 2 | 2012/05/13 |
15216885 | Multiple-color fluorescence imaging of chromosomes and microtubules in living cells. | Cell Struct Funct, 1999 Oct;24(5);291-8, | Haraguchi T, Ding DQ, ..., Koujin T, Hiraoka Y | 1 | 2012/04/26 |
22198435 | Structural differences in the osteocyte network between the calvaria and long bone revealed by three-dimensional fluorescence morphometry, possibly reflecting distinct mechano-adaptations and sensitivities. | Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2012 Jan 13;417(2);765-70, | Himeno-Ando A, Izumi Y, Yamaguchi A, Iimura T | 14 | 2012/04/26 |
17128267 | Fast manipulation of cellular cAMP level by light in vivo. | Nat Methods, 2007 Jan;4(1);39-42, | Schroder-Lang S, Schwarzel M, ..., Hegemann P, Nagel G | 5 | 2012/04/25 |
22388287 | TULIPs: tunable, light-controlled interacting protein tags for cell biology. | Nat Methods, 2012;9(4);379-84, | Strickland D, Lin Y, ..., Weiss EL, Glotzer M | 3 | 2012/04/15 |
22357757 | Protein disulfide isomerase homolog PDILT is required for quality control of sperm membrane protein ADAM3 and male infertility. | Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2012 Mar 6;109(10);3850-5, | Tokuhiro K, Ikawa M, Benham AM, Okabe M | 1 | 2012/04/06 |
22157958 | Fluorescent fusion protein knockout mediated by anti-GFP nanobody. | Nat Struct Mol Biol, 2012 Jan;19(1);117-21, | Caussinus E, Kanca O, Affolter M | 0 | 2012/03/12 |
22327833 | Spatiotemporal control of gene expression by a light-switchable transgene system. | Nat Methods, 2012;9(3);266-9, | Wang X, Chen X, Yang Y | 0 | 2012/03/12 |
21700876 | A synthetic optogenetic transcription device enhances blood-glucose homeostasis in mice. | Science, 2011 Jun 24;332(6037);1565-8, | Ye H, Daoud-El Baba M, Peng RW, Fussenegger M | 0 | 2012/03/12 |
22289463 | Investigating second messenger signaling in vivo. | Methods Enzymol, 2012;363-82, | Rudolf R, Hafner M, Mongillo M | 3 | 2012/02/15 |
22277578 | Live Imaging of Protein Kinase Activities in Transgenic Mice Expressing FRET Biosensors. | Cell Struct Funct, 2012 Jan 24; [Epub ahead of print] | Kamioka Y, Sumiyama K, ..., Kiyokawa E, Matsuda M | 4 | 2012/02/06 |
22231641 | Fast two-photon in vivo imaging with three-dimensional random-access scanning in large tissue volumes. | Nat Methods, 2012 Jan 8; [Epub ahead of print] | Katona G, Szalay G, ..., Roska B, Rozsa B | 2 | 2012/01/29 |
22080726 | Forster resonance energy transfer-based biosensors for multiparameter ratiometric imaging of ca(2+) dynamics and caspase-3 activity in single cells. | Anal Chem, 2011 Dec 15;83(24);9687-93, | Ding Y, Ai HW, Hoi H, Campbell RE | 0 | 2012/01/14 |
22041111 | Conjugation of both on-axis and off-axis light in Nipkow disk confocal microscope to increase availability of incoherent light source. | Cell Struct Funct, 2011 Oct 29; [Epub ahead of print] | Saito K, Arai Y, ..., Tani T, Nagai T | 7 | 2011/12/22 |
22162136 | Live imaging of apoptosis in a novel transgenic mouse highlights its role in neural tube closure. | J Cell Biol, 2011 Dec 12;195(6);1047-60, | Yamaguchi Y, Shinotsuka N, ..., Yosida H, Miura M | 0 | 2011/12/17 |
21976697 | Development of an optimized backbone of FRET biosensors for kinases and GTPases. | Mol Biol Cell, 2011 Oct 5; [Epub ahead of print] | Komatsu N, Aoki K, ..., Kamioka Y, Matsuda M | 8 | 2011/12/01 |
21878933 | Scale: a chemical approach for fluorescence imaging and reconstruction of transparent mouse brain. | Nat Neurosci, 2011 Aug 30; [Epub ahead of print] | Hama H, Kurokawa H, ..., Sakaue-Sawano A, Miyawaki A | 9 | 2011/12/01 |
21909116 | Diffraction-unlimited all-optical imaging and writing with a photochromic GFP. | Nature, 2011 Oct 13;478(7368);204-8, | Grotjohann T, Testa I, ..., Jakobs S, Hell SW | 4 | 2011/11/29 |
21934958 | Lateral resolution enhancement of laser scanning microscopy by a higher-order radially polarized mode beam. | Opt Express, 2011 Aug 15;19(17);15947-54, | Kozawa Y, Hibi T, ..., Nemoto T, Sato S | 4 | 2011/11/26 |
21909082 | A reversibly photoswitchable GFP-like protein with fluorescence excitation decoupled from switching. | Nat Biotechnol, 2011 Sep 11; [Epub ahead of print] | Brakemann T, Stiel AC, ..., Hell SW, Jakobs S | 1 | 2011/11/08 |
20689502 | Murine bioluminescent hepatic tumour model. | J Vis Exp, 2010; | | 3 | 2011/10/01 |
21798953 | RNA mimics of green fluorescent protein. | Science, 2011 Jul 29;333(6042);642-6, | Paige JS, Wu KY, Jaffrey SR | 3 | 2011/08/27 |
21822256 | Quantitative fluorescence imaging of protein diffusion and interaction in living cells. | Nat Biotechnol, 2011 Aug 7; [Epub ahead of print] | Capoulade J, Wachsmuth M, Hufnagel L, Knop M | 0 | 2011/08/20 |
21527931 | Two-photon absorption properties of fluorescent proteins. | Nat Methods, 2011 May;8(5);393-9, | Drobizhev M, Makarov NS, ..., Hughes TE, Rebane A | 5 | 2011/08/06 |
21765402 | Bright and stable near-infrared fluorescent protein for in vivo imaging. | Nat Biotechnol, 2011 Jul 17; [Epub ahead of print] | Filonov GS, Piatkevich KD, ..., Kim K, Verkhusha VV | 3 | 2011/08/05 |
21804536 | A photoswitchable orange-to-far-red fluorescent protein, PSmOrange. | Nat Methods, 2011 Jul 31; [Epub ahead of print] | Subach OM, Patterson GH, ..., Condeelis JS, Verkhusha VV | 0 | 2011/08/03 |
21423166 | Local, persistent activation of Rho GTPases during plasticity of single dendritic spines. | Nature, 2011 Apr 7;472(7341);100-4, | Murakoshi H, Wang H, Yasuda R | 2 | 2011/06/07 |
21173800 | Reducing background fluorescence reveals adhesions in 3D matrices. | Nat Cell Biol, 2011 Jan;13(1);3-5; author reply 5-7, | Kubow KE, Horwitz AR | 2 | 2011/02/08 |
21098095 | Transient activation of c-MYC expression is critical for efficient platelet generation from human induced pluripotent stem cells. | J Exp Med, 2010 Dec 20;207(13);2817-30, | Takayama N, Nishimura S, ..., Nakauchi H, Eto K | 0 | 2011/01/29 |
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